
Thursday, 14 November 2013

Little things...

If you have noticed a lull in my blogging, it would be due to my occupation with illustrating a friend's book. It is proving an absorbing, highly creative (and time-intensive!) learning experience, not only in art, but also history, geography and culture.  I feel really blessed to have such an interesting, beautiful story for my first project!

Naturally these illustrations are not mine to share, so I have decided to give you a peek at some other gentle and little things I have drawn over time.

A birthday card

Copied from a photo

Getting ready to illustrate a children's story book soon!

A pair of old shoes - don't leather items just have their own kind of ageless beauty?

These "small" subjects tend to be quick to draw (20 minutes to half an hour), and make great adornments to gift cards, or a starting point to get yourself drawing. Using a photo or drawing from real life is very handy, as you will be able to physically study such things as the way light falls and reflects on your subject, or what elements compose the texture, or exactly what the silhouette shape is... and so forth!

Happy drawing!